Well, as the summer is well under way, I felt it was time to get started with blogging. I've been reading many different blogs this summer and I feel it's time for me to take the plunge and try my hand at this tool. Plus, I'm participating in a webinar on web 2.0 tools and one of the challenges is to start a blog...so I'm just completing my homework!! I'm sure I'll make plenty of mistakes, but isn't that how we learn? Bear with me and I will get this thing up and running in no time! I'm being optimistic! :)
To give you an idea of what I'd like to use this space, I want it to be a place where I can brag about my "kids" (a.k.a. my students) and their amazing accomplishments. Also, I want to keep parents informed about all the incredible things we do in class...especially since so many families have both parents working and they aren't always able to be involved in class activities. I want to let my "kids" guest blog and write about something amazing in class. What better way for a child to share their enthusiasm for school than to broadcast it to the world?!?
So hold on to your hats and get set for this adventure we call life!!!
Love, Mrs. Kris.