Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting geared up!!

The sun is shining in my classroom window and the room is starting to take shape.  This can only mean one is getting ready to begin!!  I've been busy getting desks arranged, names put on things, organizing supplies, and wrapping up my summer to-do list.  (Unfortunately, there's still a lot left on it!)  I've talked to some parents and they are excited about the start of the year with so many adventures to embark upon.  How can you not be excited about a new school year?  It's the thrill of the unknown and new expectations!!

While I'm excited, I'm also anxious for the first week to be over and get to the regular days of class.  I like routine and the first week is just chaotic.  The second week is my actual favorite.  We all know each other, expectations have been laid out, and the coziness of things familiar is setting in.  With that said, we will have our first class post the first week of school to demonstrate what we want to do with this blog and then we will allow our guest bloggers to take it to new heights each and every week!!  I'm so excited about this, I hope the kids think it's fun!

We shall write more...after the holiday!  I hope everyone has an enjoyable, relaxing, and safe Labor Day!!
Mrs. Kris.  :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Starting to feel like fall!

As I sit here it is raining outside and doesn't feel like summer very much.  It's hard to believe that it is August and school is right around the corner!  The back to school ads have been running non-stop on t.v. and the sales flyers are chock full of school supplies.  I'm not sure my boys appreciate the t.v. commercials, but I find them amusing!  Maybe it's the music that harkens back to my school days?  I'm sure some marketing analyst got paid big bucks for that clever idea!  It's working!!

Anyways, the air is feeling cooler and the sun seems to be shining through the windows at a different angle in the evening.  Football practice has started, and the constant running to and from the field...along with the extra loads of dirty football laundry.  So it can only mean one thing ~ school is about to begin!

I hope everyone has had a relaxing time and enjoyed the beauty that is the Eastern Shore...or wherever you may have enjoyed the time off.  Things are starting to gear up at school and I'm starting to get my brain back in school mode, too.  I'm looking forward to a fun, exciting, and adventurous year with a great group of students (they shall be called my "kids" from this point forward).  The gala planning is well underway, it is such an amazing event!  I hope everyone can attend, it's such a fabulous time...and is for a great cause!!

Can't wait to see everyone at the Open House!!
Much love,
Mrs. Kris  :)