Sunday, September 1, 2013

T-Minus 2 Days...

I can't believe that it's only 2 days till we start school!!!  Presentation Night and Open House were AWESOME!!  It was wonderful to see all the families making themselves familiar with a new room, seeing friends, joking around, and just having a fun time together.  I loved watching my group of girls giggling together in a circle.  My boys were running around doing boy stuff, talking about their adventures over summer.  I heard camp, beach, and fishing, sounds like they had good time!  It was also great to meet our new families, we have 3 new friends this year.  Already they feel like part of the family!  I know that I gave out a lot of info at Presentation Night, and it might take a little time to absorb and assimilate all of it, but it will happen gradually.  As with all things new, it takes time to make adjustments.  Before you know it, it's like it's always been that way and things run smoothly.

Anyways, I want to keep this short, we are out of town with family and about to get ready to have our last big picnic of the summer other words, I've got to get cooking!!  I hope everyone has something special planned on this last "official" weekend of summer.  I'm looking forward to seeing all those happy, smiling faces in my room on Tuesday!
Dragon Love,
Mrs. Kris.  :)

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