Monday, February 3, 2014

Fishtail Bracelet

How to make a Fishtail Bracelet Rainbowloom

Supplies Needed:
Rainbow Loom Bands
Rainbow Loom
Rainbow Loom Hook
Rainbow Loom C clips

Step 1: Get your two favorite types of rainbow loom bands,and get your loom set up.

Step 2: Depending on how long you want your bracelet that depends on how many bands you will need.

Step 3: Make a figure eight with one of your bands.The one you make a figure eight with is the one that will start out your bracelet. Put the figure eight on any two studs.

Step 4: Put a band on over the figure eight band.Then do the same thing in a different color.
Step 5: Take the figure eight from the bottom.Take one side of it and bring it to the top. Do the same thing to the other side.

Step 6: Keep on repeating these steps, except this time do not do the figure eight just keep on putting on different color bands while bringing them up to the top.

Step 7: When you have done step 6 take one of the C clips and attach it to the one end  of the bracelet. They both have to be the same color.

Step 8: Once you have put the C clip on one side attach it to the other side.
You are now done.

Good Luck!

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