Friday, February 7, 2014

Tri Lane Rainbow Loom Bracelet

How to make a Rainbow Loom Tri-Lane                   

         Materials- Rubber Bands (lots), a hook, one Loom, and a C or S clip

         Step 1: Start with black rubber bands, now go up all the way on each lane. ( make sure that the loom is has the hooks on it facing like an upside down (u).

Step 2: Flip the loom around. Now put a color that your want starting all the way at the bottom and all the way to the top but leave a row without one.

Step 3: Flip the loom back around like it was at the  beginning. Now take your hook and go under the top rows rubber bands and pick up the black rubber band then put it on the next hook in front of it.
Step 4: Now once you have finished all the rows you will want to knot the very end. Now in the front you will want to put a C or S clip in the front.

Step 5: Take the loom at the end slip the knotted ends onto your fingers and slowly pull it off.

When you are done you will finally have a rubber band bracelet. I will look weird at fist but after you add a clip to it, it will look so cool. But after you do it a few times you will be a pro at it.

Have Fun!!

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