Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fly a Remote Control Helicopter

How to fly a Remote Control Helicopter!
By: Tricia

- Take your helicopter and make sure it has batteries and that it is charged.

-Turn the helicopter on.

- This is your controller. The stick on the left is the throttle. The stick on the right is the stirring stick. The switch on the top is the on- off switch. A blue light will appear when it is on.

- Clear the room of people if this is your first time. If you are 9 and below, don’t fly without adult supervision.
Step 2: Hovering
- Set the helicopter in a clear space away from objects

Not like this.

Like this!

-Push the throttle up slowly.

-Do not fly to close to the ceiling or the low pressure sucks it up and bangs the wings.

-Keep doing this until you get the feel for it and get used to it.
Step 3: Maneuvering

- Put the helicopter in hover position.

-If you want to go forward then you push the stirring stick forward a little bit.
- If you want to push it back, then you pull the stirring stick back gently and only a little bit.
- If you want it to turn counterclockwise then push the stick to the left.

- For clockwise, push the stick to the right.

- This picture was taken from the air. If your helicopter has two blue buttons in the front, then it can take pictures. Push the one labeled with the camera to take pics. Push the one labeled with a video camera to take a video.
- Thanks for looking at this! Happy flying!

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